Long-Term Monitoring and Operation and Maintenance at 15 Sites- Air Force Plant 6

Air Force Plant 6 - Marietta, GA

Long-Term Monitoring and Operation and Maintenance at 15 Sites- Air Force Plant 6

Air Force Plant 6 - Marietta, GA

15 Sites – Air Force Plant 6


  • Project plan development
  • Groundwater and surface water sampling
  • System performance groundwater sampling
  • Landfill and retention basin monthly inspections and repairs
  • Corrective Action (CA) system operation and maintenance


Through a contract with the Air Force Civil Engineering Command (AFCEC), Bluestone is conducting long-term monitoring (LTM) and operation and maintenance (O&M) activities at Air Force Plant 6, in Marietta, GA. AFP 6 is a Government Owned, Contractor Operated (GOCO) Facility. Lockheed Martin Aeronautics operates a significant portion of the Installation, while Dobbins Air Reserve Base (ARB) operates the remainder. This contract is being executed with regular regulatory interaction with Georgia Environmental Protection Division (GA EPD).

AFP 6 operates under a RCRA Hazardous Waste Facility Permit (HWFP). Under this FPP contract, Bluestone is conducting the following tasks: project plan development, groundwater and surface water sampling, system performance groundwater sampling, landfill and retention basin monthly inspections and repairs, Corrective Action (CA) system operation and maintenance, routine monitoring well repairs, and subsequent reporting.

As part of the long-term monitoring program, 75 monitoring wells were sampled to comply with the HWFP. These wells were sampled for VOCs, Total Metals, Pesticides/Herbicides, Dioxins/Furans, Cyanide, SVOCs, and MNA parameters. A total of 155 monitoring wells were sampled for performance monitoring in order to determine the effectiveness of the CA systems. These wells were sampled for VOCs, Total Metals, Chromium, VFAs, PFAs, DHC and Functional Genes, and MNA parameters. Prior to collecting any samples, 520 wells were gauged to develop groundwater elevation data. Operation and Maintenance were performed on the CA systems (SVE, AS and GWTS) and the RB-2 landfill.

This long-term monitoring program, as well as the operation and maintenance of systems, encompasses four different sites at AFP 6: B04, B10, C-5, and B90. Each site has its own set of contaminants of concern.

There are four main sites at AFP 6 that contain monitoring wells that are required to be sampled per the terms of the HWFP, B04, B10, C-5, and B90. The purpose of this sampling program is to monitor the closure of the B10 Aeration Basin and B90 Surface Impoundment, as required by the HWFP. The same four sites have additional monitoring wells that are sampled in order to determine the effectiveness of the CA systems. The primary purpose of this sampling program is to evaluate the effectiveness of the MNA program, the B76 Air Stripper and Air Sparge System, the RB2 Retention Basin, and the B44 and B76 SVE systems.

Bluestone operates and maintains the B76 AS Treatment System. Bluestone collected biweekly groundwater samples from the effluent and influent. The AS System is routinely maintained IAW manufacturer recommendations.

Bluestone performs routine O&M at the B76 and B44 SVE Systems. Air samples are collected monthly from the influent, mid-point and effluent from each GAC vessel. The purpose of the sample collection is to document the effectiveness of the treatment and to calculate vapor-phase mass removal. The vapor-phase mass removal is calculated and reported monthly. Bluestone conducts routine GAC change outs at each of the SVE systems. Bluestone also inspects the deactivated landfill area on a monthly basis. This visual inspection evaluates the potential erosion in specific areas of the landfill.

Upon award of the contract, Bluestone had 31 calendar days before mobilization to collect semi-annual samples was required, per the terms of the HWFP. Bluestone developed an Accident Prevention Plan (APP), Uniform Federal Policy Sampling and Analysis Plan, Quality Assurance Project Plan (UFP SAP-QAPP) amendment, and a Quality Program Plan (containing a Work Plan, Waste Management Plan, Project Management Plan and Quality Control Plan). Bluestone also had to receive site specific training, including Foreign Object Debris (FOD) training to allow for access to flightline areas of the Installation. Bluestone has prepared, and will continue to prepare, a semi-annual LTM report summarizing the semi-annual sampling events at AFP 6. The semi-annual reports include the following; field observations, analytical data, reporting of presence of LNAPL, isoconcentration maps depicting the nature and extent of contaminants exceeding applicable GPSs, figures illustrating synoptic groundwater contours, statistical analyses of analytical data, and concentration vs time plots for TCE and Benzene.