Our Team

Lisa Myers
PE, PMP - President
Lisa H. Myers, PE is the president of Bluestone Environmental Group, Inc. Previously she served as the president of Myers Engineering for nine years. She has over 20 years of experience in environmental engineering applications in both the public and private sector. Previous work experience includes the Philadelphia Water Department, General Electric, and Weston Solutions, Inc. Her specialties are environmental compliance, regulatory interaction, waste management, and site investigation/remediation. Lisa holds a bachelor’s degree in Chemical Engineering from West Virginia Institute of Technology and a masters degree in Chemical Engineering from Villanova University. She is a registered Professional Engineer in Pennsylvania, Delaware, Georgia and Maine.

Chuck Dobroski
Technical Director
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Kristina Early
Project Manager/Senior Scientist
MPH, Master of Public Health
BS, Environmental Health
Ms. Early has over 19 years of experience in environmental consulting, primarily conducting and managing human health and ecological risk assessments through the Preliminary Assessment/Site Investigation and Remedial Investigation/Feasibility Study processes at a variety of USACE (Kansas City, Baltimore, and New England districts), USEPA, and NPS hazardous waste sites. Ms. Early has experience in developing work plans and other project planning documents including QAPPs, APPs, and SAPs, as well as performing RI/FS, HH and ERA, EE/CA, PA/SI, QCSR, and Groundwater Monitoring Reports. Ms. Early also has experience in successfully managing data from large field sampling efforts, organizing analytical laboratory data deliverables, data evaluation, Access® database construction, query and form building, and statistical analyses. Ms. Early has successfully managed several federal projects with complex scopes requiring daily coordination with project teams and subcontractors, tight schedule adherence, and budget management.

Aaron Myers
Vice President- Federal Programs
Mr. Myers is a Project Management Professional with nine years of experience serving as an Program and Project Manager. Experienced Project Manager, working with multiple Federal Agencies including the US Army, Navy, NASA, USACE Kansas City District, USACE Seattle District, USACE Huntington District and USACE Baltimore District. Successfully managed over $35M in program capacity. Currently managing three IDIQ programs, addressing a wide range of environmental projects, including Fence to Fence Environmental Support Services, addressing CAA, CWA, EPCRA, RCRA, CERCLA, MMRP and NEPA. Managed multiple remedial investigations, and remedial construction activities. Successful implementation of projects at FUDS, Active DoD Installations, BRAC and Superfund Sites. Technical experience also includes implementing remedial system designs for groundwater and soil pilot studies, including their subsequent operation and maintenance.

Florence Sevold
Technical Director
BS, Toxicology
Ms. Sevold has over 25 years’ experience in environmental consulting, performing human health and ecological risk assessments for CERCLA, RCRA (including hazardous waste incinerator sites), MMRP, FUDS, BRAC, Brownfields redevelopment projects, and State voluntary cleanup sites. In addition to risk assessments, her work in these programs has included deriving reference doses, critical toxicity values for mammalian and avian receptors, and human health criteria for short-term occupational exposures to inhalation toxicants; toxicologic database development; calculating risk-based PRGs for COCs including asbestos and explosives; writing and technical review of Public Involvement Plans, Uniform Federal Program Quality Assurance Project Plans (UFP-QAPPs), human health and ecological work plans and risk assessments, Responsiveness Summaries, Findings of Fact for Administrative Consent Orders, and 5-year reviews. Ms. Sevold is involved in all aspects of data handling, from sample management; field team, laboratory, and validator coordination; and FUDSChem event planning and field data population to database construction/maintenance; evaluation; reduction; and statistical analysis. She is skilled in use of EPA’s ProUCL software for statistical evaluation of environmental investigation data, including power analysis, calculation of exposure point concentrations, background threshold value determination, hypothesis testing, and trend analysis. She has in-depth knowledge of numerous fate and transport, bioaccumulation, and toxicological databases. This breadth of experience allows Ms. Sevold to provide technical direction for and review of a variety of projects.

Renee Lavinsky
CHMM, CPEA- Project Manager
Ms. Lavinsky has more than 15 years of experience supporting environmental compliance for both Government and commercial clients. Ms. Lavinsky is a Certified Hazardous Materials Manager (CHMM), a Certified Professional Environmental Auditor (CPEA), and a Project Management Professional (PMP). She has served as Deputy Program Manager and Project Manager on a wide variety of environmental compliance tasks covering hazardous materials, hazardous and solid waste, drinking water, stormwater, wastewater, toxic substances, and air emissions. She has overseen Environmental compliance programs for Federal and private clients in Mid-Atlantic, Washington DC Metropolitan area, and Southeastern United States. Ms. Lavinsky’s experience includes developing plans, permits, and reports in support of environmental and safety regulations; performing inspections for compliance with Federal and state regulations, Agency policies, and site-specific permit requirements; managing client relations; and supporting Bluestone’s overall operations and business development. With previous employers, Ms. Lavinsky performed Environmental and Safety Compliance Assessments for Federal and private clients, conducted sanitary surveys, prepared stormwater management and pollution prevention plans, and authored and helped implement spill prevention and contingency plans. She also developed and performed environmental compliance training courses to EHS professionals nationwide covering the full range of environmental regulations.

Timothy Woods
Project Manager
MPH, Master of Public Health
BS, Environmental Health
Mr. Woods has over 21 years of experience in environmental consulting. His primary area of technical expertise is human health risk assessment where he has been the lead at a number of high profile sites. He has significant experience managing and performing environmental assessments, remedial investigations, and related activities at a variety of hazardous waste sites including CERCLA and RCRA sites, FUDS, BRAC sites, munitions-contaminated sites, asbestos sites, and other sites. He also has experience performing and managing assessments for a number of state agencies. He has managed large field investigation efforts and data management tasks. Mr. Woods has managed a number of large projects that has entailed organizing and coordinating subcontractors and team members along with managing project budgets and schedules. Other areas of technical competence include probabilistic risk assessment, vapor intrusion, asbestos exposure, and the development of computer programs, including statistical packages and various risk assessment calculation tools.

Tod R. DeLong
Technical Director
BS, Biology
MS, Wildlife Ecology
Mr. DeLong has over 30 years of experience in a wide array of environmental areas including ecological risk assessments, environmental assessments, contaminant impact assessments, 5-year reviews, forestry, long-term biological monitoring, wildlife evaluations, biostatistical analysis, and experimental design. He has been the technical and project manager for numerous remedial investigations and risk assessments for hazardous waste sites under both CERCLA and RCRA. He has technical expertise on the ecological aspects of the risk assessment process and has managed numerous field investigations, toxicity assessments, and bioaccumulation studies in support of the ecological risk assessment process. Mr. DeLong has a strong statistical background and is experienced in performing probabilistic risk assessments for both ecological and human health risk assessments. He is also experienced in the environmental assessment (EA) process and with multiple regulatory frameworks and with regulators in most EPA regions and many states.

Jennifer Harris
PE - Program Manager
Ms. Harris is a Chemical Engineer with 27 years of experience in environmental site investigation and project management for government and commercial clients, including more than 25 years supporting the Installation Restoration Program (IRP) at the U.S. Army Garrison Aberdeen Proving Ground (APG). For the past five years, Ms. Harris has been supporting a wide variety of projects focused on groundwater investigation, air compliance, radon assessment, and Aqueous Film-Forming Foam (AFFF)/ per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) removal and sampling. Her current government clients include NAVFAC, USACE, and USDA.

Tom Myers
Vice President & General Counsel
Thomas S. Myers, Jr. is the Vice President & General Counsel for Bluestone Environmental Group, Inc. Tom has over 30 years’ experience providing contractual support to a wide variety of small businesses. Since joining Bluestone in 2010, Tom has been providing prime Federal Contracting support on environmental contracts to a variety of Department of Defense agencies including USACE, NAVFAC, US Army, and the US Air Force, among others. Throughout his tenure with Bluestone, Tom has managed over $115M in prime contracts for the Federal Government.

Deborah Jones, PMP
Project Manager
MS, Environmental Pollution Control
BS, Environmental Resource Management
Ms. Jones has over 30 years of experience in environmental consulting, primarily in the areas of environmental assessments, environmental compliance and remedial investigation. Her skills include developing work plans and other project planning documents; evaluating and interpreting soil and groundwater geochemical data to assess extent of contamination; analyses of remedial alternatives; project management; and organizing and coordinating subcontractors and team members for large complex projects, meeting budget and schedule. She has completed many complex projects for federal clients such as EPA, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, and Federal Communications Commission.

Doug DeFazio
Doug has more than 35 years of experience and expertise creating new service lines for emerging and seasoned businesses, establishing new clients for existing services, opening new geographic opportunities nationwide, and starting new operations. At Bluestone, Doug is working with Leadership to enhance client services and develop both an effective long-term strategic plan, and an implementable weekly action plan, to help continue the growth and profitability of the firm.

Audra E. Balson, P.G.
Senior Geologist
BS, MS Geology
Ms. Balson has over 15 years of experience and is licensed as a Professional Geologist in Pennsylvania, New York and South Carolina. She has worked on a wide variety of environmental and energy development projects throughout the eastern and southern United States, and in the southern Caribbean. Her technical experience includes areas of environmental site assessment, soil and groundwater remediation, geotechnical and environmental drilling and logging, groundwater resourcing and public water supply, and aquifer characterization analyses. More recently, Ms. Balson has shifted her professional endeavors to the public sector, and serves as Senior Geologist on a variety of environmental investigation and PFAS-related projects at DoD, FUDS, and NPL sites. Ms. Balson provides practical insight for the design and execution of field tasks, prepares technical reports and proposals, and mentors junior staff members both in the office and in the field.

Jill Cutler
Jill Cutler is a Professional Engineer responsible for stormwater and environmental projects. Her experience includes stormwater and erosion and sediment control design and feasibility studies, environmental permitting/compliance, and developing plans for hazardous waste management, natural resource planning, and tank SPCCs. Jill offers expertise in all phases municipal and industrial National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permitting, Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) Action Plans, and stormwater pollution prevention plans (SWPPPs). She performed feasibility studies, providing corrective action alternatives and cost estimates, for two sites along the Chesapeake Bay: shoreline stabilization along a revetment, and remediation for a deteriorating ravine.

Ethan Magee
Ethan Magee has 15 years of experience in environmental consulting including the management and coordination of projects in New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Maryland and Massachusetts. Projects and services include soil, groundwater and surface water investigations, monitoring well network installations (overburden and bedrock wells), vapor intrusion investigations, aquifer testing, direct-push drilling, rock coring, UST removal, transport and disposal, soil excavation, technical oversight including test pits, borings and hazardous waste transport and disposal. Mr. Magee has accrued extensive experience in geophysical imaging including borehole logging, seismic refraction/reflection surveys, ground penetrating radar and electrical resistivity surveys. Mr. Magee is proficient with project sites that contain complex geologic and hydrogeologic conditions. Mr. Magee’s experience includes investigating organic compound migration pathways in air, water, soil and bedrock. Mr. Magee also has extensive experience in chemical fingerprinting analyses and unmixing commingled contaminant plumes using forensic methodology.

Anne MacMillan
MS – Environmental Engineering Science, BS – Environmental Science
Ms. MacMillan has more than 10 years of experience in the environmental consulting and compliance field for government and commercial clients. She has over 6 years of experience providing environmental compliance support to DoD Installations. Ms. MacMillan is a Registered Environmental Professional (REP). She has worked on a range of projects relating to: air permitting, CERCLA, RCRA, EPCRA, NEPA, PFAS, stormwater, drinking water, and sustainability. Ms. MacMillan is the Chair of the College Outreach Community of Interest for the Society of American Military Engineers (SAME) and the Young Member Chair of the SAME Boston Post.

Fred Tenbus
Mr. Tenbus has over 30 years of experience in hydrogeology and project management, primarily on CERCLA projects for federal, state, and local governments as well as the private sector. He has acted as a technical resource and/or quality control manager on 80+ projects across the U.S. and in Guam. He has conducted investigations and remediation efforts on sites contaminated with chlorinated solvents, creosote, petroleum hydrocarbons, dense and light non-aqueous phase liquids (DNAPL/LNAPL), and metals such as hexavalent chromium and arsenic. He has expertise in fate and transport of contaminants in groundwater at sites in fractured bedrock, bedrock overburden, karst terrain, and unconsolidated coastal plain sediment. His career included 18 years as a hydrologist with the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), and he authored/coauthored more than 10 USGS publications.

Ginger Pohlman
MS - Civil Engineering, BS - Civil Engineering
Ms. Pohlman, PE has over 24 years of experience in environmental consulting, primarily in environmental compliance, environmental assessments, remedial investigations and air permitting. She has been involved in all aspects of decisions making processes for multimedia waste investigations and remediation projects for military, USEPA, industrial and government clients. She had developed planning and permitting documents including RI/FSs, PA/SIs, SAP/QAPPs, RIWPs, RODs, RFI/CMSs, CAPs, SPCC Plans, SWPPPs, HWMSPs, HWMAT Plans, as well as CAA, pollution prevention and stormwater reports and permits. Ms. Pohlman has extensive experience with CERCLA, RCRA, UST, NJ LSRP and CAA projects. She is a registered engineer in Pennsylvania, Maryland, and Virginia.

Donna Hegge
Ms. Hegge has over 15 years of experience in the environmental engineering and consulting field. Ms. Hegge specializes in managing projects regarding CAA, SDWA, CERCLA, RCRA, and CWA. Ms. Hegge prepares compliance reports for air quality Part 70 Operating Permits for Aberdeen Proving Ground and Navy installations in the Naval District Washington region; performs mock audits for air quality permits for the Naval District Washington region; prepares Part 70 Operating Permit applications; prepares Ozone Depleting Substances (ODS) Management Plans; develops ODS and Air Emissions Inventories; develops and presents training for air quality compliance topics; coordinates boiler combustion optimization and generator stack testing; and coordinates Stage I and II vapor recovery system certification and decommissioning. She also prepares Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System annual reports, stormwater pollution prevention plans, and wastewater treatment facility National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System permit renewals. Ms. Hegge assists in the preparation of Risk Management Plan reports; Lead-Based Paint Management Plans; and Work Plans and Health and Safety Plans. She assists with conducting environmental audit interviews. Ms. Hegge has experience with numerous water quality engineering projects including wastewater, stormwater, drinking water, and lake and watershed management. She also has experience with soil and groundwater remediation systems.

Christen Sardano
Program Manager
Ms. Sardano is a Massachusetts Licensed Site Professional (LSP) and has over 25 years of experience as an environmental consultant and project manager. She is a hands-on manager and has managed and supervised remedial site investigations, feasibility studies, remediation design and implementation, chemical demilitarization waste management, and environmental compliance for large construction projects. Ms. Sardano has successfully managed several federal projects with complex scopes requiring daily coordination with project teams and subcontractors, tight schedule adherence, and budget management. Within the past year, she has managed a variety of projects including remedial investigation work for USACE New England District, chemical demilitarization waste management work for RCMD, LNAPL remediation at Logan International Airport and AFFF tank replacements. Clients included state and federal agencies as well as private corporations. Specialties: Project/Program Manager, Licensed Site Professional, Environmental Services, Hazardous Waste, Site Investigation and Remediation. Christen holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Geology and Anthropology from Vanderbilt University.

Emily Strake, CEP
Technical Director
BS, Chemistry, MBA
Ms. Strake has more than twenty years of environmental chemistry, risk assessment, auditing, and quality assurance experience. She has focused her efforts on human health risk assessment and has been the primary author or key contributor of risk assessment reports and screening evaluations for projects governed under CERCLA, RCRA, and dozens of state and international programs. Ms. Strake is board-certified in assessment by the Academy of Board Certified Environmental Professionals. She has experience in site-specific strategy development, which has enabled her to perform assessments to focus areas of investigation and identify risk-based alternatives for reducing remediation costs. Ms. Strake is a member of the Interstate Technology and Regulatory Council (ITRC) and serves as a National Trainer in risk assessment for the organization. Ms. Strake also has broad experience in environmental data validation, focused on ensuring laboratory deliverables follow specific guidelines as described by regulatory agencies and the analytical methods employed. Ms. Strake is experienced in auditing laboratory methodology and field-sampling activities for compliance with Quality Assurance Project Plans, the National Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Conference Standards Quality Systems Manual, and applicable USEPA Guidance. Ms. Strake has also audited on-site laboratories in support of groundwater treatment operations and implemented corrective actions.

Michael Badeau, P.E.
Program Manager
Mr. Badeau is an Environmental Engineer with more than 15 years of diverse consulting experience providing solutions to federal, state, and private sector clients. Mr. Badeau has supported over 20 task orders for U.S. Department of Defense A-E IDIQ contracts administered by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Baltimore, Fort Worth, Mobile, New England, Sacramento, and Tulsa Districts, as well as over 20 state transportation projects and 10 private projects. Mr. Badeau is responsible for providing management and technical support for various environmental site investigation, remedial action, and compliance projects. He is professionally licensed in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and the State of Connecticut.