Formerly Used Defense Site – Northeast Industrial Park
- EM 385-1-1 compliant Accident Prevention Plan
- Decommissioned 15 monitoring wells at three separate AOCs
Since 2017, Bluestone has conducted annual landfill inspections and maintenance at Northeast Industrial Park FUDS site near Albany, NY. Prior to the beginning of field work, Bluestone prepared a Project Management Plan, Work Plan, and EM 385-1-1 compliant Accident Prevention Plan. In addition to the inspections, Bluestone collected annual groundwater samples from nine monitoring wells around the perimeter of the landfill. The analytical results were produced in a NYSDEC ASP Category B Level Data Package. The analytical results were then validated by a third-party data validator. Bluestone developed an annual report based on the activities completed in the calendar year. In 2018, Bluestone used the annual report to develop a Five-Year Review for the site. The FYR was submitted to the USACE Center of Expertise and the NYSDEC. The FYR resulted in the decreasing of the sampling frequency from once every five quarters, to once every five years, resulting in substantial cost savings for the Government.
Through a series of contract modification, Bluestone decommissioned 15 monitoring wells at three separate AOCs that were no longer in use. Bluestone is also replacing one monitoring well that had been silted in. The monitoring well is being replaced in kind, using hollow-stem auger methodology.
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