EPCRA Section 312 Tier II and Section 313 TRI Reporting at Multiple Installations within NAVFAC Southeast

EPCRA Section 312 Tier II and Section 313 TRI Reporting at Multiple Installations within NAVFAC Southeast

Bluestone is in the process of completing EPCRA 312 and 313 Reporting for the following Naval Installations: JRB NOLA, NAS Corpus Christi, NCBC Gulfport NAS Meridian, and NAVO Stennis Space Center. To complete Form Rs, Bluestone used the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) TRI-ME Web software (or EPA-designated replacement program) for agency submittal. Upon receipt of data, Bluestone developed an updated inventory of chemicals from the various Units and Divisions present at the facility. Bluestone then analyzed the data and provide documentation for all assumptions made and exemptions used throughout the project, including all mathematical calculations in preparation of the Form Rs. Bluestone ensured that all threshold documentation and release estimates were calculated using methodologies developed by the EPA and available industry guidance documents. Bluestone worked with the specific Installations to ensure submit prior to the regulatory deadlines. Following submittal of final documents, Bluestone developed a report summarizing data collected, methods, results, and submittal confirmations to provide the Installations with a record of background information.

Bluestone also is currently completing and documenting EPCRA 313 threshold evaluations for the same Installations. Bluestone performed an information request and data review to ensure that all data provided by the FBI was accurate for submittal. Bluestone used the data to calculate the amount of lead and copped released from the site due to waste disposal, recycling, and air emissions. Bluestone utilized the EPA software for complete the submittal and provided the Installation representative with an electronic version of the Chemical Inventory and TRI Form R for review. Following approval of the draft forms, Bluestone prepared the online submittal for certification. Bluestone also developed a summary report providing details on data gathered, calculation methods, submittal results, and explanations for items EPA identified as potential errors. All documents were submitted to the Installations with sufficient time for review and correction prior to regulatory deadline.