From 2017 to Present, Bluestone has been providing a wide variety of stormwater related services to multiple installations located with NDW. The following is a summary of recently completed tasks:
Chesapeake Bay Program Targets for US Naval Observatory, JBAB, WNY
The Chesapeake Bay Program (CBP) partnership’s Federal Facility Workgroup issued a protocol for developing federal facility numeric nutrient and sediment load reduction targets in June 2015. Using the protocol, jurisdictions and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) set nutrient and sediment targets for approximately 750 facilities in the watershed including installations within Naval District Washington. The expectation is that the targets be met by 2025. Bluestone was tasked with evaluating the progress toward achieving these targets for three installations in Washington, D.C.: Washington Navy Yard, Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling, and Naval Support Facility Naval Observatory. Bluestone compiled data from the Chesapeake Bay Program’s Chesapeake Assessment Scenario Tool (CAST) to evaluate each facility’s footprint, impervious area, pollutant load ratings, and pollutant reduction achieved to date. Bluestone used this information to evaluate each installation’s current progress relative to the established target provided by the jurisdiction. Bluestone completed a desktop review of data provided by each installation, the EPA, the Washington D.C. Department of Energy and the Environment, and the Chesapeake Bay Program. Bluestone presented their findings in a memo report that outlined the methods for evaluation, summary of reductions to date, and recommendations for achieving target goals when applicable.
NPDES MS4 Eligibility Review for NSF Arlington
NSF Arlington is a federal facility located within an urbanized area and is subject to regulation as a small municipal separate storm sewer system under the Phase II Rule. The installation includes administrative buildings, parking lots and roads, and several housing units. Bluestone was tasked with evaluating exemptions granted under Virginia’s Pollutant Discharge Elimination System permits based on the size and nature of activities conducted at NSF Arlington.
Bluestone performed a detailed assessment of the NSF Arlington installation that began with a review of existing GIS information and compared it to an onsite delineation of drainage areas. Bluestone used a mapping-grade GPS unit to survey the entire facility property at no more than 5-foot contour intervals. Bluestone used this information to determine if outfalls and drainage areas would impact permit eligibility. Bluestone also inspected two structural best management practices to determine if they are functioning as designed utilizing electronic checklists also developed under this task. Bluestone also interviewed facility personnel and reviewed historical records.
The final report included a complete review of all stormwater permits required in Virginia and their applicability to the NSF Arlington facility. Bluestone further evaluated all exemptions granted under each permit to determine if NSF Arlington would qualify. Bluestone outlined each permit requirement and discussed, in detail, the applicability to the facility, providing recommend steps that the facility must take if they wished to pursue the various exemptions. The report also included all observations related to the BMP inspections such as immediate repair needs, required maintenance, recommended corrective actions, and cost estimates as well as a complete survey report discussing survey methods, results, and data gaps.
Quarterly & Annual Stormwater Facility Inspections at NSF Dahlgren
Bluestone performed stormwater pollution prevention plan (SWPPP) inspections at NSF Dahlgren. The inspections included one Annual Comprehensive Site Evaluation and three Quarterly High-Priority Stormwater inspections. Each inspection includes a site visit to observe areas with the highest potential for pollutants to enter stormwater, as identified in the facility’s SWPPP and in accordance with their industrial stormwater discharge permit. The onsite inspection includes confirming the presence of best management practices (BMPs), accuracy of the SWPPP, any areas where BMPs are not effective or need to be reassessed, and areas where new potential pollutants are present and must be included in the SWPPP. Bluestone also interviewed personnel and reviewed stormwater records to gain a complete understanding of the effectiveness of stormwater management controls onsite. Following the onsite inspection, Bluestone prepared a report describing all observations and provided recommended corrective actions.
SWPPP Update and Data Collection for NSF Dahlgren
Bluestone updated the NSF Dahlgren SWPPP in accordance with the facility’s new permit for the discharge of stormwater from industrial activities and to correct items identified during a recent Government inspection. Bluestone updated the plan in two stages based on priority. The first phase addressed findings from the inspection within 30 days, as stipulated in the Government inspection report. Bluestone revised sections of the plan that addressed routine facility inspection checklist records, visual examination reports, employee training schedule and training records, and the annual compliance evaluation report. Following completion of the first phase, Bluestone waiting until Virginia issued a new permit and updated the SWPPP in accordance with new conditions. Having performed quarterly and annual inspections for the previous two years, Bluestone was able to use institutional knowledge to update the plan with minimal burden on the client.
Best Management Practice (BMP) Condition Assessment Inspections at NSAA
Bluestone performed a comprehensive condition assessment of 95 BMPs at Naval Support Activity Annapolis utilizing checklists developed under a separate task based on the Maryland Design Guidelines and Maintenance Schedule requirements for inspections. Inspections included the following, where applicable: visual determination of any repair or maintenance needs; measurement of accumulated sediment; observation of contamination such as sediment, oil sheen, or debris; identification of deviations from vegetation plans and/or lack of mulch or filtering layer, or existence of weeds and dead plants; and observations of ponding or clogged inlets and outlets and structural damage. Bluestone documented each inspection utilizing the appropriate checklists. Following the onsite inspection, Bluestone reported findings including a list of corrective actions prioritized by immediate or routine maintenance needs. Bluestone also included cost estimates for all recommended corrective actions listed in the report.
Close Circuit Television (CCTV) Pipe Inspections at Naval Support Activity Annapolis
Bluestone was tasked with performing a CCTV inspection of storm sewer pipelines at the NSAA installation. Prior to deploying the field team, Bluestone developed a work plan that detailed the project team and management; described the quality assurance and control procedures and activities; identified task objectives and strategy; discussed traffic management procedures; identified work schedules; proposed required deliverables and milestones; listed supplies and equipment; described disposal procedures; coordinated review of submittals; and addressed security and access requirements.
Bluestone, with assistance from Master Locators and Jet Blast, Inc., performed a CCTV inspection of storm sewer pipelines at NSAA. The Bluestone Team dewatered, cleaned, and video-scoped approximately 2,600 feet of storm sewer pipeline to determine the origin of illicit discharged identified during a 2016 survey. The Bluestone Team organized multiple logistical requirements including security access, vehicle inspections, staging areas, dewatering and containerization of pipe contents, fire hydrant access and permits, and traffic control to successfully complete the task with minimal disruption to student activities on the Naval Academy site. The Bluestone Team was able to determine the source of both illicit discharges, identified disconnected pipelines, and discovered section of broken piping requiring repair.
Following the onsite inspection, Bluestone provided color DVD recordings of all inspected stormwater lines, color photographs of all structural defects encountered, and a detailed map of the area investigated. Bluestone also delivered complete field logs noting the following: date and time recorded; operator name; starting and ending manhole number; pipe material; pipe length; pipe diameter; location of laterals (linear feet relative to starting point) and coordinates; location of broken pipe, offsets, obstruction or other notable items; and location of sags and standing water.
Stormwater Condition Assessment for NAS Patuxent River
Bluestone performed a condition assessment for the installation’s stormwater conveyance system to identify failures in the underground system and prioritize repairs. Prior to onsite inspection, Bluestone interviewed personnel to gain an understanding of how the system is designed to work and the existing maintenance procedures. Bluestone then developed an asset inventory utilizing the facility’s existing GIS data. Bluestone used this information during the onsite inspection to identify data gaps and inconsistencies. For any feature observed in the field that was not included in the GIS dataset, Bluestone collected GPS coordinates and type and name of feature for future investigation and inclusion in the GIS dataset. Bluestone inspected for the following: culverts, oil/water separators, underground storm lines via areas that appear to be collapsing/distressed/exposed, outfalls, manholes, inlets, headwalls, junction points, and valves. Bluestone also noted condition of each asset and developed a defined ranking and tracking system including color coding. The system will help facility personnel priorities repairs and maintenance activities by categorizing assets on a spectrum ranging from catastrophic failure where extensive service disruptions and health or environmental damage are eminent to routine maintenance is required, but asset still functions as designed. Bluestone prepared a memorandum document describing the ranking system developed, the installation’s current repair and maintenance process with roles and responsibilities by title, references to existing stormwater documents (e.g. Standard Operating Procedures, guidance documents, etc.).
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