Environmental Protection Agency, Region I (under contract to Nobis Engineering)
- Oversight of Primary Responsible Party (PRP) performed Remedial Investigation and Human Health and Ecological Risk Assessments.
- Review of Data, Remedial Investigation Work Plan, and Identification of Data Gaps.
- Review of Remedial Investigation, Human Health Risk Assessment, and Ecological Risk Assessment.
Avatar has performed oversight support for a Remedial Investigation (RI) Work Plan, Draft Remedial Investigation, Human Health Risk Assessment, and Ecological Risk Assessment for the Olin Chemical Superfund Site, as a subcontractor to Nobis Engineering. Human Health and Ecological Risk Assessments were prepared as part of the Remedial Investigation, and performed in accordance with EPA risk assessment guidance.
The Site is a former chemical manufacturing facility, which lies adjacent to wetlands, conservation land, and other industrial properties. Groundwater beneath a portion of the site flows toward nearby residences, wetlands, and town water supply wells. Contamination with n-nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA) in those town supply wells forced their shut-down. NDMA and other contaminants were subsequently detected at the site. The purpose of the Remedial Investigation is to determine the nature and extent of contamination and determine if compounds present in the soil, sediment, surface water, and groundwater would result in an unacceptable risk to humans considering both the current and hypothetical future land and water uses.
Avatar has visited the site and performed a review of exiting data to determine whether existing data would be sufficient for accurately determining nature and extent of contamination and to perform human health and ecological risk assessments. With Nobis, Avatar identified data gaps and made recommendations for sampling. Once the Primary Responsible Party (PRP) and its consultant prepared an RI Work Plan, Avatar and Nobis reviewed the sampling plan and recommended improvements in sampling density, locations, analytes, and planned exposure assessments based on historical chemical production, use, and storage, and on potential exposure scenarios.
The PRP has conducted further sampling, with oversight by EPA, Nobis, and Avatar, and prepared the RI Report, Human Health Risk Assessment, and Ecological Risk Assessment for two Operable Units. Avatar has been instrumental in review of these documents, providing comments on all aspects and responding to both the PRPs and local stakeholders. Avatar has participated in numerous meetings with EPA, the state, the PRPs, stakeholders, and the public. This project is on-going. Avatar looks forward to review of further PRP submittals, including draft documents for the third operable unit.
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